SoCal Edison: Upcoming Tariff Changes – Fact Sheet 2019

WHAT: Due to increased output from renewable energy resources, SoCal Edison is debuting a host of rate changes in 2019.
WHY: Renewable energy – especially solar – has made electricity less costly during midday and costlier in the evening. As a result, time-of-use (TOU) hours will change in March. The new summer (June 1 – September 30) and winter (October 1 – May 31) rate schedule comparison is shown below.
WHO: Affects residential and commercial customers, including healthcare facilities.

- On-Peak periods will be 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM, instead of noon to 6:00 PM.
- Current Mid-Peak is changing from weekday periods to mostly weekends.
- There will now be a Super Off-Peak period in the winter.
- There is a shift to Critical Peak Pricing for smaller facilities less than 200 kW.
- This may benefit facilities whose peak operations occur primarily during the day – what will now be Off-Peak periods during the week.
- These rate changes affect the commodity (actual electricity), not delivery or "T&D."
- Actual rates per tariff have yet to be released (to our knowledge), so Ecom-Energy and facilities should know more once those are published. At that time, we can better understand actual cost/savings impacts.
- Facilities less than 200 kW will automatically be enrolled in the Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) rate. You will need to opt out if you do not wish to be under CPP. CPP is a demand response-type tariff that has low and favorable pricing until an event is called. If you cannot comply during an event, penalties may be severe.
- Ecom-Energy: As an energy ally to the nation’s most influential healthcare organizations, we offer unbiased analysis, information, management tools, and advice to energy buyers and managers – serving as a one-stop solution source for all types of energy challenges.
- SoCal Edison: The utility’s Rate Plan Comparison Tool will help your facility compare rate options. This tool is access through your My Account portal.
- Business Energy Advisor: This five-minute facility survey will help you receive customized suggestions for cost-effective energy efficiency upgrades and recommendations for cooling, equipment, lighting and more.