Energy Benchmarking Mandates

A National Trend...

Many cities throughout the United States have passed energy benchmarking mandates requiring commercial, multi-family, and industrial buildings to track and report their annual energy and water consumption. Healthcare facilities, including acute care hospitals, are included in these mandates.

Need help complying or have questions about the regulations impacting your facility? Ecom-Energy can help! As a certified ENERGY STAR® Partner, Ecom-Energy specializes in the online tool used for all benchmarking mandates - ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager.

United States Benchmarking Mandate Map

Credit: IMT
Last Updated: August 2022

Statewide Benchmarking in California: AB-802

California Energy Commission

The vast majority of benchmarking mandates in America are municipal ordinances stemming for policy enacted by local governments. However, in California, Assembly Bill 802 directed the California Energy Commission (CEC) to create a statewide building energy use benchmarking and public disclosure program for commercial and multi-family buildings greater than 50,000 square feet. The Commission's regulations require building owners to report building characteristic information and energy use data annually on June 1.

The cities of San Francisco, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and San Jose have local benchmarking and public disclosure programs for which an exemption has been granted by the California Energy Commission. Buildings in these jurisdictions that are reported to the local jurisdiction do not need to be reported to the Commission.

So, why benchmark? According to the California Energy Commission, there are three main benefits:

  1. You can't manage what you can't measure. Benchmarking provides a baseline understanding of energy use at your facility.
  2. Research suggests that benchmarking, which allows for a building's energy use to be compared to its prior performance and to that of its peers, can lead to savings of 3% in annual energy expenditures.
  3. Benchmarking provides buildings owners with knowledge that enables smarter and more cost-effective improvements in building energy use.

To learn more about compliance with AB-802, contact Ecom-Energy today!

City Benchmarking Mandates

The information provided below is periodically updated and intended to provide a quick snapshot of your region's energy benchmarking mandates.

Beyond Compliance: EnerVisor Software

Looking to move beyond mere compliance to a deep understanding of energy and water consumption at your facility? Need a turnkey solution with actionable insights? Ecom-Energy's EnerVisor Software can help!

Ecom-Energy’s EnerVisor Software is designed to make energy information actionable, and your job easier.

There are hundreds of reporting possibilities in EnerVisor Software, including charts, graphs, and custom spreadsheets. By tracking data at the line item level, EnerVisor Software provides the insight you need to take control of your gas, power, and water profiles.

Best of all, EnerVisor Software is a turnkey solution. After initial data collection, EnerVisor Software requires no additional effort from facility members. Data input and management is handled in-house by Ecom-Energy’s expert staff.

Learn More About EnerVisor Software